Ultimate Potato Dauphinoise — Andy Bates | Personal Chef & Presenter


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Andy Bates is known for his hearty street food. His modern twists on classic dishes are fuelled by his international travels and a passion for re-discovering and cooking great British food. As the gaffer of specialist food company ‘Eat My Pies’, Andy brings the best of British food back to the public, including classic tarts, pies, Scotch eggs and, of course, some tasty puddings.

Andy is a contributing chef for Food Network UK and has already had two successful series broadcast on the channel - Andy Bates Street Feasts and Andy Bates American Street Feasts. His latest series, Andy Bates Brazilian Street Feasts, launched in February 2014. All three series follow him as he travels across continents to explore the world of street food and find the stories and people behind the recipes. As a result, he has become a leading expert on street food, with regular appearances on the street food circuit. Andy, who lives by the quote "You should always finish on a little bit of pudding", has also written a cookbook offering modern twists on classic dishes.

Chef TV Blog Recipes 

On a global food adventure meeting inspiring people along the way.

Ultimate Potato Dauphinoise

Andy Bates

From Culinary Classics with Rosemary Shrager and John Whaite on the 'Big Eat' for Food Network UK...

The first dish I was ever taught to cook in a restaurant at Reads, Kent by my good friend James McLean. You can't rush a dauphinoise and need to make sure every layer is seasoned and placed neatly. It takes time, but when well done... It's totally worth it.  It can be cooked a day in advance, portioned and reheated for your party the next day.

My ultimate potato dauphinoise



  • 1.5kg floury potatoes, such as Maris piper
  • 500ml double cream
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
  • 1 small onion, peeled and halved
  • 150g Gruyere cheese, grated
  • Salt and pepper
  • Oil


Pre-heat the oven to 160°C. Peel the potatoes and place them whole into cold water.

Pour the cream into a pan, and then add the garlic, rosemary and the onion. Heat them to a boiling point and simmer for 5 minutes.

Allow them to cool slightly, then strain into a jug or another pan. Slice the potato directly into the warm, flavoured cream. Lightly cover your dish with a thin layer of oil. Once the potatoes and cream are well mixed, begin to layer the potato into your dish, adding some Gruyere cheese and seasoning between each layer.

Once the dish is full and you’ve used all the cheese. Pour a little cream over the top to help the cooking process.

Bake in a bain marie by placing the dish into a larger dish and filling halfway with hot water, then put it into the oven for 1 – 1 ½ hours. Once cooked, rest it for 10 minutes and then serve it.
